Monday, September 29, 2014

First Week

Wiggle delivered her puppies on September 25, 2014.
She birthed all 9 puppies in 2 hours. She was incredible!
She had 4 boys and 5 girls.  The puppies are white, beige, champagne, and red.
A couple of the white ones had brown spots and brown patches on either side of their heads.
The two red ones are girls. The largest is a red girl  puppy. The smallest is a boy beige puppy.
These puppies have both Labradoodle and Goldendoodle in their lines and are the 3rd generation of our doodle lines.
The puppies will probably grow to about 20 to 30 pounds more or less.
Some will have curly coats. Some will have wavy/shaggy. Some will hopefully look like miniature retrievers.

Here are some pictures of their first few days: